Wednesday, August 26, 2009

so much has been done, that it can't be undone.
a saying;
nothing can be more powerful than love.
definitely touche.

love, the first and last reason i keep on living.
it brings a task and purpose.
it brings the best and the worst out of me.
it brings the heart to beat fast and slow simultaneously.
it brings your senses to a halt and numbs it inside out.
it leads people to the brim of suicide.
with that amount of power, how can we ever deny that it's not the most powerful thing ?

though u bring grief and heartache,
though u bring me to the edge of doubt on whether u are just a heartbreaker,
though u squeeze every tear worth squeezing out of me, 
i can't complain much can i babe ?

this is an ethical example of why i continue to love you.

a power surge directed thought my heart.

Friday, August 21, 2009

u took my hand and i walked side by side with you as we took a walk down memory lane.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

do u know that u're a total turn off ? one word was all it took to bring my wishes to a halt. 

Thursday, August 13, 2009

it's the second time i'm blogging today. my father who's apparently in taiwan, almost died due to a land slide. it made me realize how fragile our lives are. killing off one person might not add to an instant decrease in human population, but it does the heart torture that is unbearable ! i miss daddy big time ): thank god he's still on earth.

I FINALLY DID IT ! i absolutely can't contain this excitement, perhaps i'll attempt to jump on my bed(?).  i shall be a lil patient before telling claire about this tomorrow :) i took a facebook quiz and apparently, my next boyfriend/husband is going to be named carter. okay, u've no idea how much i LOVE LOVE LOVE that name. the name langdon sounds awful ): that's SO not the point ! 

walking past you was total eye candy, i must admit. 

my english teacher had us do a compo on, 'my first experience of sorrow'. this was the conversation that took place. this is certainly impromtu as i've got no idea why i'm wirtting the convo down.

ernest: so, who died ?
deshun: no one died !
ernest: it's not called sorrow if no one died. see, in my compo, my dog died, in clifton's compo, his cat died, in shuxin's compo, her hamster died.
clifton: what am i suppose to write next !? 'my cat got run over by a truck and it died ??'
me: a cat has nine lives u know ? so...
ernest: so ! i waited down there while 8 cars run over my cat, and i'm counting as each car go by. '1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.' THERE ! it's finally dead.

this is dumb.
and i am THIS bored !

from the show 'punchline':
'i don't care how many thousands they spend on their hair ! because they're DEBUTANTS'
'i don't care how many men they divorce ! that's because they're DEBUTANTS'
'i don't care how they starve themselves to death and waste their youth away just as so to appear thin on the screen ! that's because they're DEBUTANTS !'
'i don't hate anybody !'
'in fact, i'm more of a hate stylist if u will, thank you'

i bet what i wrote above doesn't make much sense. BUT ! it was hilarious. it's standup comedy.

i managed to name everyone of my softtoys succesfully without forgetting any of their names. i know it's weird. so, shut up !

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

i was outside minding my own business, half mindedly thinking of something to happen, and it did happen. he asked for the time, date and venue. the first word he shouted was 'babe'. it struck me that this so called charming young man could be a hooker/asshole. oh damn, he look gorgeous ! what dumbstruck luck i must have.

i went up that flight of slated stairs, in hope to find the things that once mattered the most. i could almost pass as a comber, if not for that uniform that i was wearing. i searched the black waste bag and saw a glint on it's reflected surface; the photo. it was lying in the exact same place i last placed it. dirt, mud and dried leafs covered it. it was also startling to also have found the gift that i gave you during christmas lying by the ferns. by bringing those things back home, it's the same as bringing back the painful memories that i once condemned. the smell of soap and body sweat still lingers on the string. a strange attraction towards the scent happened to befall on me yesterday. it indeed is puzzling for the most complex brain to understand.

i certainly want that long, thick and curly hair u dreamt about.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

finally had the time to upload the pictures onto blogger :)
i still don't exactly know how to describe my week, but i know life has been good.
great, now i sound like an advertiser advertising for LG /:

the composition i recently did was titled, 'love is blind'. it was the most satisfied piece of work that i've done, and it felt good :)) it sounded like a short story and somehow felt like a long one at the same time.

there was a book that i read today and it was filled with x-rated stuff. i was amazed at the meg cabot's flare for writting. though the book was filled with detailed description of sex, there was something that didn't make it an upset for its readers(such as myself) :)

i don't want to keep this under wraps anymore. if it's good news, why not share it with the world ? :)

'one woman's mortage payment was another man's porn' -quoted.


i love romantic novels,
but i hate the part where tissues are on stand-by.

sight of pretty chandeliers allures me.
so does multi coloured objects

i hate the smell of newspapers,
but love the smell of basements

i'm learning photography,
in hope to get hired as a free lancer one day

in closure,
one day, i would want a passerby to say,
"man, u've got a 'turning heads', hot hot boyfriend !"




blogskin by Th-Superloved-Girl
image from deviantart


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